Year 6, Kingfishers: Mrs Oldfield and Mrs Beringer
Hello and welcome to Year 6's page! We are the wonderful Kingfishers! Click on the tabs on the right to view our termly overviews, spelling lists and curriculum information.
Year 6 is a special, milestone year and our aim is for each and every one of you to reach for the stars and believe in yourselves! You are amazing!
Meet the Team
Mrs Oldfield and Mrs Beringer are the teachers in Kingfisher Class.
We are very lucky to have the amazing Mrs Street working every day in our class. We also have additional adults supporting reading in our class.
As a team, we are very much looking forward to working with you and your children and we are keen to share their journey with you. Please make sure you are signed up to Class Dojo to stay updated on notices, homework updates and general class information!
We always welcome parent helpers to join us and support children in class such as listening to children read.
Wider Curriculum:
At Whitchurch Primary School, we are very fortunate to provide children with a wide range of learning experiences to ensure children develop a love of learning. The children have forest school sessions, attend a local gymnastics centre, have P.E sports coaching sessions. take part in orienteering and have cooking lessons throughout the school year.
Our class books in Term 4's English lessons are "Suffragette: Battle for Equality" and "The Wind in the Wall". We are also reading "Wonder" as a class.
How can you help at home?
Read at home 5 times a week.
Practice your child's spellings each week. Our spelling test is on Thursday each week.
Check Class Dojo to keep updated with weekly homework and more photos of our learning.
Encourage children to complete SATs revision guides and attend the SATs breakfast revision clubs that we are running in Terms 4 and 5.