Whitchurch Primary School PTA
Hello and welcome to your PTA.
We are a registered charity dedicated to helping the school.
Made up of an enthusiastic group of parents and teachers, our main aim is to raise money to fund vital projects and equipment for our school - benefitting all our children and giving them greater opportunities.
If you are interested in joining us or volunteering to help in any way, please let us know. We hold regular meetings, details of which are published on our Facebook page and on the school newsletter. New faces and ideas are always welcome.
Meet the Team:
- Chair - Jane Webley, Y6 & Y4 parent
- Vice Chair - Kate Hibberd, Y4 & Y1 parent
- Treasurer - Sarah Greenan, Y4 & Y3 parent
- Vice Treasurer - Emma Mason, Y2 parent
- Secretary - Nicola May, Y3 & R parent
- Vice Secretary - Miss Fudge, teacher.
We arrange and run fundraising events throughout the year and are always in need of helpers. If you are available to help with any event or have any ideas for future events, please let us know.
In the meantime, you can find us on Facebook:
Whitchurch Primary School PTA Bristol
You can also help us raise much needed funds by giving as you shop! Either through Amazon Smile: smile.amazon.co.uk / Whitchurch School Association, Easy Fundraising www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/whitchurchschoolassociation or through the Machine: .https://www.thegivingmachine.co.uk/causes/whitchurch-primary/
We have also teamed up with Stickins name labels. If you place an order and quote our fundraising number 25169 then we receive a commission.